Monday, December 30, 2013

What's the difference between 'Network Marketing' and 'Direct Sales'?!

Many of the people who make there living from this business still debate what the difference between network marketing and direct sales is. Even so, the vast majority of experienced network marketers would define these terms this way.
Most experts would agree that network marketing is a part of the direct selling concept where products or services are offered on a one-on-one basis and sold directly by the salesperson to the consumer. However, the two approaches offer very different benefits to the salesperson.
Direct sales companies are known as "seller-based," which means they give more income to the distributor when he or she makes a sale at retail. Direct sales companies usually market higher-ticket, one-time-sale, durable items such as air and water filters, cookware, art, home accessories, etc. With the direct sales business approach, the majority of the available profit designated for the salesperson's commission goes to the person who makes the retail sale. That person usually earns a significantly higher percentage of the designated sale commission than does the sales management that may be supervising his or her work.

Unless they have been appointed as sales managers, successful direct sales people are paid based on their personal sales rather than on building an organization of other salespeople. And since most products marketed by direct selling companies tend to be durable goods rather than consumable goods, there usually is limited potential for residual income. Obviously, there are exceptions, such as the residual income experienced in insurance sales, but usually when the sale is consummated, the salesperson is moving on to the next person and potential sale. Immediate commission checks are usually higher than in network marketing, so if you want quick money, direct sales is your ticket.

If you want to build a long-term residual income, however, you should consider network marketing. Network marketing distributors still sell, but the sales process usually begins with their "warm" market of friends and relatives. Network marketing companies typically offer retail commissions that are much lower, since more of the available commissions are directed toward bonuses paid to various upline management people in the sponsor tree.

In turn, you can also sponsor a downline of distributors that not only sell but also consume products, making them your customers as well. If the company has high-quality products that are fairly priced and offer obvious benefits, the distributor has the real opportunity of building a "lifetime customer." Ongoing customer use creates residual income. Residual income is money you earn from your initial sales and reorders and the sales and reorders made by those you recruit and the ones they recruit, etc. This process continues to generate earnings for you long after your day-to-day attention to the "sale" or your sponsoring efforts has ended. For example, the royalties a writer or performing artist earns on his or her creation is an example of residual income. So is the interest earned on stock investments. Consumable products such as vitamins, personal care, cosmetics, etc. are more compatible with the network marketing business model, since reorders create the residual income driving the program.

Having spent most of my working life in direct sales and network marketing, I have found it easier to attract people to a network marketing opportunity for a number of reasons. Residual income is one; here are some others:
  • It usually costs less to get involved. Other than samples of the products and an at-cost distributor kit, there is usually no investment. Customer orders can be drop-shipped by the company, and customers can usually reorder company direct or on the company Web site with the designated bonuses going to the person that made the original sale. Consequently, this doesn't require major inventory. And that means ...
  • More people can become involved, since the concept embraces the part-time salesperson along with the full-time career builder.
  • There's potential for exponential growth. Distributors can leverage their energy and efforts through a small number of people they train who manage to in turn train and manage their own people and so on. In this way, sales create bonuses for the sponsor and upline.
If you enjoy people, are a good communicator and a hard worker, either direct sales or network marketing can provide an accelerated income potential. It's ultimately up to you to figure out which best fits your needs and goals.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Best 5 Business Books For A Networker..

Hi guys..

      When I first thought about creating this blog, I thought about making it an informative and educational site where a beginner or professional networker may enter, and go through topics where he/she needs to increase his/her knowledge about in the network marketing and personal effectiveness areas.

This blog will be useful for:

      1)      People who are out of the network marketing business and want to increase their knowledge before they enter the business.

      2)      Network marketers who want to deepen their knowledge and understanding about the business.

      3)      People who are out of the business but curious to know how this business operates and how people benefit from it.

4)      Networkers of LiveFree Ltd. company who want to know the company’s updates and receive product training.

In the next several posts, most of the information and discussions will be from the books I studied and had a greatest impact on my understanding to the business in specific and other aspects of life in general. These books not only concentrates on business, but also on personal effectiveness and human behavior.

My references for my next posts will be:

·      “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey.

Dr Stephen Covey (1932-2012) was and remains a hugely influential management guru. Covey's most famous book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, became a blueprint for personal development when it was published in 1990. The principles may be used for life in general - they are not limited to workplaces, management, leadership, etc. Covey's concepts actually can help people to grow, change, and become more effective in really any other aspect of human responsibility that you might imagine. 

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has been at the top of the bestseller lists for over seven years and tied as the #1 Most Influential Business Book in a survey of Chief Executive Magazine's readers. More than 20 million copies have been sold in 38 languages and seventy countries.

Watch this video for Dr. Stephen R. Covey  describing the famous Maturity Continuum of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People..


      “Business School for People Who Like Helping People” by Robert Kiyosaki

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad - the international runaway bestseller that has held a top spot on the New York Times bestsellers list for over six years - is an investor, entrepreneur and educator whose perspectives on money and investing fly in the face of conventional wisdom.

In this Second Edition of his best-selling The Business School For People Who Like Helping People book, Robert T. Kiyosaki updates and expands on his original eight "hidden values" of a network marketing business (other than making money!). 

Robert explains that building a network marketing business is:
  •       The quickest way to build a "B" quadrant business
  • ·      A revolutionary way to achieve wealth.
  • ·      Open to anyone who has drive, determination and perseverance.
  • ·      Makes it possible for anyone to acquire great wealth.

      “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen M. R. Covey

Stephen M. R. Covey (son of Sptephen R. Covey) is a Harvard MBA and the former CEO of the Covey Leadership Center which, under his stewardship, became the largest leadership development company in the world. He is in demand as a leading authority on creating high-performance organizations.

Trust, says Stephen M. R. Covey, is the very basis of the 21st century's global economy, but its power is generally overlooked and misunderstood. Covey shows you how to inspire immediate trust in everyone you encounter - colleagues, constituents, the marketplace - allowing you to forego the time-killing and energy-draining check and balance bureaucracies that are so often relied upon in lieu of actual trust.

     “Your First Year in Network Marketing” by Mark Yarnell:

Mark Yarnell is the author of eleven books, including the international bestseller Your First Year in Network Marketing and The Lotus Code. As a network marketing leader, Mark has built an organization of 300,000 people in 21 countries. Mark and Dr. Charles King of Harvard University created the first certification course in network marketing taught at the University of Illinois, Chicago and in Seoul, Korea since 1993.

In this book, Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, offer you strategies on how to overcome those first-year obstacles and position yourself for lifelong success. 

·      “The Secret Code of Success” by Noah St. John:

Noah St. John is famous for inventing Afformations® and creating high-impact, customized strategies for fast-growing companies and leading organizations around the world. His sought-after advice is known as the "secret sauce" to creating instant superstar performance in high-growth businesses.

In his book “The Secret Code of Success” John gives readers his unique 7-step process to freeing their subconscious and allowing them to stop going through life with one foot on the brakes.

                                  Hope this blog will be useful for you and stay tuned..

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Monday, December 9, 2013

LiveFree Ltd. Pre launch

Live Free ltd… heard about it?... Not yet?!!

Well, allow me to introduce you to one of the greatest network marketing companies, that’s just about to come out to the market so soon
Why do I see it great before it even opens?!! ..Good question.

But Before I answer this, let me to introduce myself to you first .

My name is Mahmoud Youssef , I work as a business development consultant in a multinational company, in addition to being a part time network marketer. I have gained my corporate experience through working with multinational and local Organizations. I have been studying network marketing and analyzing MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies since 2008 and I was lucky to work back to back with great network marketing leaders from whom I’ve learned a lot about the network marketing business overall. My corporate, along with my network marketing experience, made me capable to analyze businesses and allowed me to do SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), market research, human development planning and training.

Back to our question..

Why do I see it great before it even opens?!!

Answering this will lead us to the 5 golden questions you have to ask yourself before you sign up with a network marketing company.

Q1) What is the company profile and where is it based?
Q2) What are the company’s products?
Q3) Who are the owners/board of directors?
Q4) Is the company a member of Direct Selling Association (DSA) or other business organizations?
Q5) What about their compensation plan?


Q1)What is the company profile and where are its headquarters?

Many people get scammed these days by unreal and virtual internet based companies claiming that it’s the life time chance, and we find out that they have no office, no registry and not abiding to any regulation and you may find even there server’s real place is hidden. LiveFree ltd has its first head office in the heart of the financial center in London in the famous Gherkin Building (formally known as Swiss Re building), at 30 St. Mary Axe, London, with company registration # 08519742. Opened on the 8th of May 2013 and abiding to the strict UK commercial regulations.

Q2) What are the company’s products?

The company will start with 3 product lines:

1    LiveFree Tours Plus: This is really a one of a kind product line. Combining the 21st century’s most booming and successful concepts (network marketing) with one of the top 10 airlines (Etihad Airways) to come up with what is considered to be the best deal ever. It gives you the privilege of travelling or choosing a product from the Etihad Airlines market, which contains more than 4000 valuable product of 500+ of the most famous brands worldwide, guaranteeing that you’ll certainly find something you’ve been longing for.

To check the products, enter this link

      LiveFree Tours: here is where you can build your vacation package in more than 2000 resorts around the world.

3.    LiveFree Technology:  it is basically smart electronic devices exclusively designed for Livefree with very high specs.

Q3) Who are the owners/board of directors?

PHD Khaled Obbeyh (Founder/Director): Dr. Khaled is one of the big names in network marketing in the Middle East. He earned his PHD in human development and he was recognized as one of a few people affected the Egyptian society after the Egyptian revolution. He is a hard worker with high self-esteem, who achieved very high records with Quest net company through his four years of working for quest international ltd. Finally hard work paid off leading him to be a role model for many network marketers in the Middle East and Europe.

He then had to quit, to start pursuing his dream of establishing the best network marketing company in the world. His vision was and still is to introduce the direct selling business concept to the world especially in the middle east . His main aim is to provide unique and high quality products to his customers, creating the largest distribution channel there is.

Mohamed Allam (Director): An AUC (American University in Cairo) Business Graduate, and One of the top leaders of Quest international limited company with a huge national/international Network. He is a great personal development and motivation Trainer.

Mohamed Elguindy (Director): One of the top leaders of Quest international limited company. He is an expert of developing leaders and supporting teams all over the globe. Mohamed has achieved high records in network marketing and was ranked from the top networkers.

Q4) Is the company a member of Direct Selling Association (DSA) or other business organizations?

DSA (US) Logo
DSA (US) Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
DSA is a corporate membership organization. Direct selling companies are admitted to the association following a minimum one-year pending period during which time the company's business plan is reviewed to verify compliance with all provisions of DSA's Code of Ethics. And yes LiveFree ltd is admitted to the DSA.

Q5) What about their compensation plan?

The company announced that the compensation plan will be binary plan which is considered the best and most long term MLM plan in the market.

I thought about introducing the company at its pre launch as am so enthusiastic to know your feedback an comments.. So, What do you think?!

Whats Next….. Stay tuned for more updates and training..
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